
Posts Tagged ‘organic vegetables’

In the world we live in today, we assume that everything that we ingest or put on our bodies is safe because we have regulatory groups that make sure that unsafe products are not being produced and marketed to the public. In addition, we believe that most companies who make products that are either ingested or placed on the skin are safe for use. The fact is that information revealing any negative effects on the human body of any commercial substance may take years or decades to discover.

I was shocked when I read that some researchers believe that in just 15 years, there will be more people suffering with brain diseases than with cancer and heart disease combined! This is a frightening and yet very real possibility because of all of the heavy metals and environmental toxins that our bodies must fight every single day.

Everyone is familiar with the neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer’s Disease. I remember hearing in the news about aluminum being found in the brain lesions of Alzheimer’s Disease patients. I believe this information has been known for at least 15 years and yet we continue to be bombarded with products that contain aluminum. You do not have to chew on aluminum foil to get aluminum in your body, You just have to put on an an antiperspirant. Also, you can use shampoo or slather body creams and lotions on your skin and get aluminum on your body. The skin is our largest organ and we absorb most substances that are put on the skin to at least some degree. If you think about the hours, days and even years that you have used any of the he following items on your body, then you will begin to get the idea of how much exposure you have had to aluminum.

Antiperspirants:  Almost 100% of antiperspirants are made with a form of aluminum.

Shampoos, Skin Care Products, Personal Care Products: A large number of these items have aluminum based ingredients. Spend a few minutes reading the ingredients on the bottles of personal care items at the drugstore and you will be astounded by the number of products that contain aluminum based ingredients. In fact, it should be especially disturbing that so many “personal care” items contain aluminum since the news about aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease has been known for years. Do these companies just not care? I wonder if their executives use their aluminum laden products?

Antacids: There are several different salts that are used in antacids. A very common one is aluminum hydroxide. There are alternatives such as magnesium and calcium carbonate found in other products.

The best strategy to deal with this problem is to be proactive and read the ingredients on the bottles of every product that you use on your body or ingest into your body. We need to make sure that we have a diet full of antioxidants because they will help clean up the free radicals that are formed when heavy metals and other toxins are circulating in our bodies. Take a supplement with anti-oxidants. Since our fresh fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious as they used to be due to picking them before they are ripe, you cannot rely on diet alone to get enough antioxidants. If you make sure that you take anti-oxidants and eat the best diet you can with organic vegetables, this is your best offense to keep from being a one of the statistics with a neurodegenerative disease in 15 years.

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